London River invited Mr. Director into her room to show him her daunting collection of whips, her jellyfish artwork, her bed, and pretty much anything else he wanted to see. He wasted no time coaxing her bra off and reaching across the screen to grab her giant, soft tits. Soon she reached across the screen to grab his cock and shove it into her mouth. Then she spit on her tits and squeezed them around his cock as he fucked them. When Mr. Director started pounding her pussy, he alternated between squeezing her tits and choking her. She thanked him for her orgasm, pushed him down to taste his cock, then flipped over to present her ass so he could fuck her from behind. He slapped her strong ass and pounded her hard. He throat fucked her against the headboard and over the edge of the bed. Then she rode his cock so he could watch her perfect tits bounce with each stroke. It wasn’t long before she started begging Mr. Director to cover her pretty face in cum.